Our group of activists here in Georgia, Capitol Coalition of Conservative Leaders, have been working the whole legislative session to get Georgia OUT of the Common Core. We've met with Governor Deal, Superintendent John Barge, the Senate Education Committee, and had a special speaker come in and talk to the general assembly. The federal government dangled the carrot -- Race to the Top money -- in front of the states (Governor's association) and said they could have it if they agreed to this set of standards that had not yet even been written. Who would write them? Not even a federal government agency (which would be bad enough), but a private foundation headed up by Bill & Melissa Gates. Who elected the Gates to determine our kids' educational standards/goals/curriculum? And who ever made our local educational decisions any of the federal government's business anyway? So our governor at the time, Governor Perdue, without the knowledge or consent of the legislature, said OK. And here we are. Governor Deal keeps saying that it's only a set of standards, not a curriculum. Besides the fact that goals determine curriculum, we're smart enough to know that when you tell us WHAT our kids are to learn, WHEN they are to learn it, and HOW it is to be taught, that's CURRICULUM. We want out.