I just wish I had been able to participate in one of those focus groups. I was not at all encouraged at Reince's proposal. I am sick and tired of hearing we need to pander to hispanics by granting amnesty to the 11 million illegals here. Talk about a death wish for our party. I agree that the perceptions of our party by women, particularly single women, and minorities are very negative. The likes of Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock have put a nail in that coffin. But it's not too late to change the perception by simply getting OFF the social issues and focus on economic and fiscal issues. We need to change our messaging to have the prosperity message be understood and related to by those we're trying to reach out to. I would really like to know the details of the post election analysis. If it was the evangelicals that stayed home, or the Ron Paul libertarians not voting for Romney, or a combination of both, I'd like to know that and know the numbers. Of course, when you factor in all the voter fraud, well did we even have a chance after all?