Voter Fraud is a very big problem, especially if voting online is ever made a law. Unfortunately voter fraud has been going on for years, but it seems to be getting even more blatant since 2008. The Current administration thinks every person should be allowed to vote. He never seems to say all citizens eligible to vote should have the right to vote and be able to vote, big difference! We had voter intimidation in Philadelphia in 2008 but the justice department found no problem with that. I also think the few instances coming forward in Ohio is just their tip of the iceberg for 2012.
The Democrats always tell us if voter ID becomes a law the minorities will be hurt, but we know why they say that! Ironically most of the research I have read show that when a state votes in a voter ID law , the number of minorities who actually vote always goes up. We need to have voter ID be the law in all the states before it is too late.