I, for one, applaud the President’s honesty in shutting down the council.  They hadn’t convened in more than a year, and it is quite obvious that it was a publicity stunt to begin with.  According to the White House website, the council was created to provide “non-partisan advice to the President on continuing to strengthen the nation’s economy… and on ways to create jobs, opportunity, and prosperity for the American people.”  By disbanding it, he sends a clear signal to the American people that in his second term, he doesn’t need advice from the business community, nor any input that is non-partisan.  Yes, the President has let us know that the time for talking is over.  He and his party have four more years to push forward their agenda for this nation and have demonstrated that they are willing to do it not just through the legislature, but through executive and judicial means, as well.  We are hereby put on notice…

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