So I just googled "trillion dollar coin" to see exactly what the plan is:
"Under this scenario, the U.S. Mint would produce (say) a pair of trillion-dollar platinum coins. The president orders the coins to be deposited at the Federal Reserve. The Fed then moves this money into Treasury’s accounts. And just like that, Treasury suddenly has an extra $2 trillion to pay off its obligations for the next two years — without needing to issue new debt. The ceiling is no longer an issue."
So this once great and mighty nation, this city on a hill, is reduced to a game of Monopoly with play money.  But even with play money in Monopoly, you don't get to print up more as you play the game.  It all boils down to values.  It's about what is expedient NOW.  Folks who have worked all their lives and set money aside for their futures or their posterity will end up with nothing so that this administration can play Monopoly now.  No real value.  No real substance.  It's a game.  And in the end, we all lose.

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