Don’t Underestimate Conservative Women!


The professional political class learned a valuable lesson last night: Don’t underestimate conservative women!

Seemingly out of nowhere, state Senator Deb Fischer engineered a come-from-behind victory to beat two far better-known and better-funded candidates for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.

While the pundits speculate on how Deb ultimately won the race, we do know a few things:

- She stayed above the fray. While voters were being subjected to millions in negative ads back and forth about the two presumed frontrunners in the race, she managed to stay out of the mud, and off the radar.

- She was boosted by the efforts of other strong conservative women who went to bat for her, like Governor Sarah Palin and our friends at ShePAC.

-She ran an issues-based campaign that remembered above all that the end goal was not beating up on fellow Republicans, but beating Bob Kerrey in November.

But more than anything, the reason she won was simple – she persevered.

When no one was talking about her candidacy, when the fact that she was even running was buried in most media coverage, when donors were few, she kept going.

It’s a lesson we all need to remember, as we work to change the face of the institutions of power in this country. As we all know, female representation in the Congress and U.S. Senate is truly anemic only 17% of both being female.

Deb will need our support as she continues to persevere. We all know what attacks are coming because we’ve seen them before when conservative woman after conservative woman has offered herself up for public service: untested, hasn’t been vetted, not ready for prime time, lacks experience.

As conservative women, we need to fight back. Not simply because she is a woman, but because she is exactly the kind of political outsider we need to shake up and reform our failed federal government. The last time I checked, having “experience” in Washington wasn’t necessarily a good thing!

Commit to supporting Deb today. Visit her Web site at Follow her on Twitter. Like her on Facebook. If you are able, donate to her campaign.

And most importantly, let’s continue to build a network of strong, conservative women across the country committed to getting this nation back on track.

You never know…the next Deb Fisher could be one of us!

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